Tools you can feel confident about– expertly crafted by our certified Feeding and OMT Therapist.
The Balanced Baby Guide
Best for ages 0-3+ months, including babies with medical complexities
From the moment your baby is born, their primary goal is to achieve and maintain homeostasis—the balance that regulates their internal functions. This balance is essential for smooth feedings, restful sleep, and healthy growth. The Balanced Baby Guide offers 8 proven strategies that help you support your baby’s internal balance, making feeding easier and promoting their overall well-being.
Partnering for Progress: A free guide to provider referrals
For children of all ages, including those with medical complexities
Because feeding and orofacial issues can stem from various complex underlying factors that uniquely influence each child’s body, a collaborative approach with multiple providers and therapists will be the most efficient and supportive path to overcome feeding and orofacial myofunctional challenges.
Picky Eating Freebie
Ages 6 months - 5 years
Is your toddler suddenly less interested in mealtime? You are not alone and it’s likely a totally normal developmental stage they are exploring. This guide covers 3 natural feeding progressions often confused as picky eating.
BONUS: Checklist for Identifying Typical Feeding Behaviors vs. Signs of a Pediatric Feeding Disorder